A flat kill – Part 08.

The old green creature blinked his red eyes a couple of times, move two of his four arms in the air nervously and then he said, “it’s sure is. It damn well sure is.”

“Keep looking,” Officer Sr’ydd said. “Brevity Dorv got it too.”
“No kidding.” Officer Skyyyzd exclaimed. Sr’ydd walked to the water pot. “His brother dropped by to borrow his brizsnet. He buzzed but there was no answer. He tried the door and found Dorv on the rug with a big hole on his chest.” Sr’ydd took a drink and left the room.

I continued looking at the freshly loaded holograms. I found one I thought would pass. “Here is the other one,” I said.
Sr’ydd send the hologram over to old green. I glanced at my kPhone.
Old green shook his head. “Nope.”

“Grandpa can’t see,” I said.
“Maybe,” Sr’ydd said. “We’ll set it aside. Sit down Princess and look some more.
“Mug.” I snapped. “My name is Princess Quad Mug.” Sr’ydd saluted army style.

Skyyyzd came back. “Found a witness,” he said. “A girl who lives next door to Dorv saw a woman coming out of Dorv’s apartment this evening. She got a pretty good look and they’re bringing her here to look at holograms. She said she has the first joint of the little finger on her little hand missing. She noticed it when she gave her back her bags.”

I closed my right hand and looked at the holograms until I found one that looked like the chunky trouble. “Here he is,” I said.

The old green creep studied the hologram for a minute and I watched him closely.
He sighed. “Nope. A lot like him, but nope.”
“You are crazy,” I said. “That’s him. I was right there.”
“So was I,” the old creature said. “And I haven’t lost my eyes.”

I stared at Officer Sr’ydd and then went back to the holograms. The door opened with a noise and I jerked involuntarily.

It was a deep voice that spoke from the doorway. “We got them officers.”

I put my hand on my bag and got to my feet. The old creep took his time getting up and then he stretched.
“Come on, old man, I said. “Let’s get this over with. I have a ship to catch.” Skyyyzd and Sr’ydd took us into a large room and we saw the two troubles sitting on a bench. They were interest only in their pain. The tall one was crying into a cloth wet with the blood from his mashed nose. His face was ragged with cuts made by somebody’s thorny fist. The chunky one was nearly blind from the beating he gotten, only a thin slit of iris showing on one eye. He sat with his head low and crooned in soft misery.

Read all A Flat kill chapters in order, HERE!

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