Blood Bayou – Part 09.

It was a building just like all the others around it; probably the same constructed company the same designer artificial.

“This is where I jump,” Liam said. “You can take the drone wherever it is you want to go. Where I’ll meet you tomorrow?”
“You’ll meet me right here,” I said. “I’ve got an investment on you now and you have somehow marked me. I’m not taking any chances especially with your pals sniffing around.”

I slid my card over the screen, verified payment with my fingerprint and we went in. The hall smelled of that particular rooming house smells plus the smell of decay that was a crucial element of this part of the city.

In the ground floor apartment music was blasting away and a guy and some dame were blasting way at each other louder than the music but not so sweet. Aliens, I thought.

We went past a couple of purple kids hugging in the shadows and up to the next floor. Liam got out a card stood in front a door, got the card working, opened the door and we went in.

I was just behind him when we got the lights and there in the centre of the room was another reptile looking guy. Tall, skinny gray guy who looked as if maybe he had escaped from the freak show of the zoo.

Best part, he had a slim ray in his hand with a long pipe on it and on the end of the pipe there was something that looked like a launcher for something. It was maybe the longest ray I ever saw. A hand-cannon, rockets included.
A real businessman’s weapon if elimination is your business.

I saw all at once and mechanically my hands stated going up. I suppose Liam saw it the same way. His hands lifted but obviously he thought this was good time to also argue.

“Wait,” he screamed. “Wait, Gssshio…”
“You ready to come through?” The reptile asked. H spoke in w horse whisper. Very reptilish. He definitely sounded like a villain in one of those very popular in the net mystery and crime podcasts.
I didn’t know why he whispered but then again perhaps that was all the voice he had.

“You better come through,” he said, “or you going to your own funeral.” Something that might have been a smile but was more like a neural twitch formed in his gaunt toothy face.

“Let’s talk it over, Gssshio,” Liam said shakily.
“There is nothing to say,” the guy whispered. It sounded as if he was pronouncing judgement on the world.

I really don’t know what happened then.
Maybe Liam went after his ray. The poor little dope, he was so desperate. He needed so damn much to have his last chance so maybe he figured he’d gamble on it. Or maybe the reptile felt that there was nothing more to say and left it up to the hand-cannon do all the talking.

Anyway, there was the booming noise that was definitely the ray; two booms close together.
I slashed my hand down the wall and found the screen for the lights. I was still standing by the door. Then I jumped and there were two more booms obviously meant for me. I could her the noise of Liam failing. He seemed to take really long time for a small guy like him. By the time I was down n the floor trying to hold my breath and figure out how I could get out of there. I should have remained on the dance floor with Ingrid Chen.

Read all Blood Bayou chapters in order, HERE!

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